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时间:2019-07-10 09:41来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
(单选题)1: — Hello, may I talk to the headmaster now? — ______________. A: Sorry, he is busy at the moment B: No, you can’t C: Sorry, you can’t D: I don’t know 正确答案: A (单选题)2: — Do you think I could borrow your dictionary?— __
(单选题)1: — Hello, may I talk to the headmaster now? — ______________.
A: Sorry, he is busy at the moment
B: No, you can’t
C: Sorry, you can’t
D: I don’t know

(单选)2: — Do you think I could borrow your dictionary?— __________________.
A: Yes, you may borrow
B: Yes, go on
C: Yes, help yourself
D: It doesn’t matter

(单选题)3: — What can I do for you, madam? — __________________.
A: I want a kilo of apples
B: You can go your own way
C: Thanks
D: Excuse me. I’m busy

(单选题)4: — Do you mind telling me where you’re from?— __________________.
A: Certainly. I’m from London
B: Sure. I was born in London
C: Not really, you can do it
D: Certainly not. I’m from London

(单选题)5: — May I see the menu, please? I’ve been waiting an hour already— __________________
A: That is the menu, sir
B: Yes, please go on
C: Here you are, sir
D: Of course, sir

(单选题)6: — I'm afraid I've got a terrible flu.— ____________________________
A: Never mind
B: Keep away from me
C: Better go and see a doctor
D: You need be more careful

(单选题)7: —It’s cold in here. Do you mind if I close the door?— __________________.
A: With pleasure
B: Yes, please
C: Of course not
D: Thank you

(单选题)8: — I’m going to America for a holiday next week.— __________________.
A: Goodbye
B: Wish you success
C: For sure
D: That’s great

(单选题)9: — What a beautiful dress you’re wearing!— __________________.
A: No, thanks
B: Thank you
C: Yes, it is
D: Sorry, it isn’t

(单选题)10: — Would you like a cup of coffee?— __________________.
A: It’s very kind of you
B: No, I wouldn’t
C: Yes, please
D: Here you are

(单选题)11: He studied hard in his youth, _________ contributed to his great success in later life.
A: that
B: it
C: what
D: which

(单选题)12: He’s determined to finish the job __________long it takes.
A: no matter
B: however
C: wherever
D: whatever

(单选题)13: She's the only child in her family, but they didn't really _______ her.
A: hurt
B: damage
C: spoil
D: harm

(单选题)14: For a successful business, friendly and _______ staff are essential.
A: sufficient
B: effective
C: efficient
D: respective

(单选题)15: Strict _____________ measures have been taken during the President's visit.
A: secure
B: security
C: safe
D: save

(单选题)16: I don’t know why she avoids _______ her opinion on the subject.
A: to give
B: to be given
C: giving
D: being given

(单选题)17: The police are________ the two missing children.
A: looking out
B: looking after
C: looking for
D: looking on

(单选题)18: I do not intend to follow that, because we shall have an opportunity to do so on another ______.
A: occasion
B: situation
C: condition
D: environment

(单选题)19: The difference between an African elephant and an Asian one is that the former has
A: larger
B: the large
C: more larger
D: the largest

(单选题)20: These two areas are similar _______ they both have a high rainfall during this season.
A: that
B: besides
C: because
D: except

(单选题)21: We are interested in the weather because it ______ us so directly — what we wear, what we do, and even how we feel.
A: benefits
B: affects
C: affects
D: effects

(单选题)22: A suitcase with a shirt, trousers and shoes _______ stolen from the car.
A: have been
B: has
C: was
D: are

(单选题)23: The furniture in his room is quite different _______ in yours.
A: from those
B: from that
C: from that one
D: from those ones

(单选题)24: The government official explained that there’s no point _______ about the cultural gap in that city.
A: to worry
B: with them worrying
C: in worrying
D: worry

(单选题)25: If he _______such a good chance, he would have planned to learn more.
A: was giving
B: had given
C: had been given
D: was to give

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