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  • Unemployment is not the _______— the real problem is the decline in public morality. 日期:2019-07-15 11:06:44 点击:158 好评:0

    13. Unemployment is not the _______— the real problem is the decline in public morality. A. trouble B. matter C. issue D. thing ...

  • His answer is not correct, and _______. 日期:2019-07-15 11:06:09 点击:168 好评:0

    5. His answer is not correct, and _______. A. neither am I B. either is mine C. neither is mine D. mine is neither ...

  • His answer is not correct, and _______. 日期:2019-07-15 11:05:07 点击:204 好评:0

    21. His answer is not correct, and _______. A. neither am I B. either is mine C. neither is mine D. mine is neither ...

  • A true friend will not turn away when you are in trouble. 日期:2019-07-15 11:04:22 点击:85 好评:0

    7. A true friend will not turn away when you are in trouble. A. 真正的朋友不会远离你的,无论是在什么时候。 B. 真正的朋友不会在你困难的时候离你而去。 C. 在你处于困难之中的时候,你的朋友会立即出现在你身边。 D. 在你处于困难之中的时候,你...

  • Your house is not worth as much today as it was a few years ago. 日期:2019-07-15 11:02:15 点击:168 好评:0

    5. Your house is not worth as much today as it was a few years ago. A. 如今你的房子跟几年前相比价格差不了多少。 B. 如今你的房子和几年前一样值钱。 C. 如今你的房子比几年前值钱多了。 D. 如今你的房子也不象几年前那样值钱了。 ...

  • His handwriting is not very neat. In fact, it is sometimes very difficult to _______. 日期:2019-07-15 11:02:00 点击:113 好评:0

    2. His handwriting is not very neat. In fact, it is sometimes very difficult to _______. A. justify B. examine C. identify D. check ...

  • Your house is not worth as much today as it was a few years ago. 日期:2019-07-15 11:01:19 点击:86 好评:0

    28. Your house is not worth as much today as it was a few years ago. A. 如今你的房子跟几年前相比价格差不了多少。 B. 如今你的房子和几年前一样值钱。 C. 如今你的房子比几年前值钱多了。 D. 如今你的房子也不象几年前那样值钱了。 ...

  • —Why not join us in the game? —________________. 日期:2019-07-15 11:00:03 点击:76 好评:0

    38. —Why not join us in the game? —________________. A. OK! I'm coming B. No, you do the same C. Oh, that's all right D. Don't mention it ...

  • —Why not join us in the game? —________________. 日期:2019-07-15 10:57:14 点击:61 好评:0

    6. —Why not join us in the game? —________________. A. OK! I'm coming B. No, you do the same C. Oh, that's all right D. Don't mention it ...
